Well, it's been quite a while my poor, neglected blog... That's what WoW does to me... Combined with my laziness, procrastination, and ADD.
Anyway, I'm making an early New Year's Resolution that I promise you, cross my heart, I will keep. I will be posting on the blog at least 2 times per week from now on. No excuses. I won't promise they will be long or interesting posts, but I will definitely post at least 2 times per week from now on. :)
Well, since it's been so long since I've done anything at all on my blog, I decided to re-design it and give it a fresh fun new look and feel, with the help of bloogerstyles.com :P Don't be fooled though, it still took me many hours to get it up and working correctly. -_-
Anyway, I hope you like how everything looks and feels, because I do. :) I don't think I'll be changing the blog layout for a longggg time, so enjoy it.
I updated the song of the week for this week. It is Watercolour by Pendulum.
I've also decided I'm going to start doing anime summaries and reviews on here (not a lot or often or quickly) when I feel like it. Expect a new summary and review every week or so, maybe more, maybe less. I really should've been working on my Career & Life homework today instead of doing this, but hey I suddenly got the motivation to do this, what can you do. I'm going to stay up all night working on Career & Life though because I have so much to do. The biggest stressful thing I have to deal with right now though is my Physics test Wednesday... Basically I have to pass this test and my test next Wednesday or I'm fucked. Might even have to drop out of college. So let's hope I pass. :x
It's been like 2 months since I last posted, and I can't think of every little thing that happened, nor would I want to put it in one huge post anyway, but a couple quick brief things that's been going on:
- I won a 5 versus 5 World of Warcraft tournament yielding me 100$, woot.
- I won a "raffle" giveaway by my friend Denise Potter @ somewhat of a spectacle, double woot.
- I'm flat out completely broke, no woot.
- My room is a mess.
- I got through all of my speeches in one piece. Just the final exam left this Friday.
- Tennis is fun.
- Assuming I pass Physics, I get my AA this month~
- I've been making lots of signatures and reading tutorials to learn even more lately.
- I've been keeping up with my weight training fairly well; slow and steady.
That's pretty much all I can think of, lol.
If there's something else you think would be cool on the blog, let me know!
Homework time!
$100 thats awesome! Also, I will be holding you to your twice a week posting. Be prepared for too many texts. :)
Also, you're amazing and I promise to mail that book very soon. I just dont have dollars for the shipping... I get paid friday, I'll probably go out saturday.
>.> If you're hurting on money, feel free to take your time, lol. I'm flat out broke, I know the importance of money T_T And text me anytime you want, even at like 4 AM. I never get texts qq. But don't worry, I am DEFINITELY going to post at least twice a week. :D
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