Sunday, December 19, 2010

Nothing much new.

Nothing new to report really. Been pretty bored the last few days. Took the week off from going to the gym and finally went today. I'm making progress slowly but surely.

I went to Tampa shopping all day with my sister and her BF. Borringgg, lol. But I didn't have anything to do anyway so meh. I've got like 40 sig requests to do now, but I really just don't feel motivated to do them for some reason... I'll try to do some tomorrow... we'll see. Since it's Christmas soon, I picked Wonderful Christmas Time by Paul McCartney, and added snowflakes to the blog. Enjoy~ ;)

Now if you'll excuse me, going to try to find an anime to watch to kill this boredom. :x

Sure wish Netflix would get some new movies added to their instant queue thing ! D:

Oh, almost forgot, check out this video / song, pretty funny stuff. :)


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